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  5. Hytera PDC760 UxB1 DMR/LTE Dual Mode Handheld 350-527MHz - EX-DEMO
Hytera PDC760 UxB1 DMR/LTE Dual Mode Handheld 350-527MHz - EX-DEMO Hytera PDC760 UxB1 DMR/LTE Dual Mode Handheld 350-527MHz - EX-DEMO

Hytera PDC760 UxB1 DMR/LTE Dual Mode Handheld 350-527MHz - EX-DEMO

Was $2,775
2 Remaining in Stock
missing translation: `product.page.stock.label` for locale: `en` 2

    The Hytera PDC760 UxB1 Multi-mode Advanced Radio is the revolutionary DMR/LTE hybrid device offering the ideal platform for critical voice and broadband data services. Providing a unified communication experience, this feature-rich handset with multiple connectivity options is the ideal communication solution for critical situations. The PDC760 offers the flexibility of being a fully compliant Android device meaning you can run apps like email, web browsing, and the like, it is also an analogue and DMR two-way radio. With a wide operating range of 350-527MHz, this device can be used anywhere in the world!

    Coupled with Hytera's HYTALK application the PDC760 is capable of delivering a world-class communications experience. Added redundancy with dual SIM card slots meaning if you are travelling you can run a local and international SIM in one device.

    This product is a used, ex-demo item. It is in good condition and fully functioning. Please note there is no warranty or returns on ex-demo items.

    Price excludes tax